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I have started this blog for two reasons.  First, I want to be able to share with the many people I have met in my wanderings all the things that I have seen, learned or just thought about.  Second, I hope to use this blog as a diary of sorts, to keep track of where I was, where I think I am going and then where I actually went.

This blog was started in February of 2009, I was about to leave my home in Madrid to pursue a dream of mine.  The dream was farming.  I has spent a few years reading, dreaming, talking and theorizing about the intricacies of farming politics, sustainability, and agro-business but it was time to stop dreaming and start doing.  So when the opportunity arose to go and work on one of the longest standing organic farms in Ontario I knew it was time to leave.

The idea for this blog started when friends in spain asked, pleaded and implored me to send them updates and pictures of my life on the farm.  A blog would be an appropriate place to share with a wider audience, and perhaps begin to hone my writing and thoughts on all the issues that surround what I am doing.  I am now back for my second season with a head full of ideas.

As with most things, this is a work in progress.  Any sense of time is skewed by its very passing, and so I hope to follow that path and at the same time try and map my trip.  Comments, critiques, criticisms and questions are all welcome.

For more information about Meeting Place Organic Farm please visit their website:  We also have a CSA this year and for more information about what’s new in the garden visit our CSA blog:

If you would like to be put on the GrassHappens mailing list and receive email updates about new posts and changes to the blog there is a box titled “email subscriptions” in the right hand column of the blog, fill in your email address there and you will receive my updates.  Wordpress also lets you choose your subscription preferences if you are so inclined.

-Itinerant Farmer