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September 11, 2009
Photo credit: Seth Barch (

Photo credit: Seth Barch (

Where does it go?  Time, summer, daylight disappear in its own hurry to be off, leaving you with that seasonal yearning for it to return again soon.  Since July 8th, the sun no longer wakes you every morning at 5am, the weeds have somehow grown to be taller than me, we put more than 5,000 bales of hay in the mow, peas have come and gone, song birds arrived and now seem to think that the southern hemisphere is the place to be.  The general population of the farm has grown, shrunk, people have come and gone and many visitors have eaten their fill.  esteryoI had two good friends from madrid come and brave the challenges of living on a farm for a whole month.  They worked with us every day, sweated in the sun, shivered in the morning dew, danced with us at a square dance, canoed and camped in Ontario and much more.  estermariaJess and Christopher, two members of our team, left to pursue jobs back at Earlham where they are now happily employed.  And one other fellow Earlham graduate Seth Barch decided to come up from his home in Virginia and help us out, and what a help he has been.  He is a metalsmith and photographer, and since I lost my camera he has taken most of the pictures that I have posted here.

Foggyhorses-smAs fall is rapidly closing the door on summer I find it a daunting task to try and “sum up” what the last two months have taught me.  I think for now I will not try to cram anything into a few short paragraphs.  Today is Friday, ie harvest day.  Not a day of leisure or relaxation.  This weekend I am heading north to do some canoe camping with Katrina and her parents.  Then we will be back here for the final weeks of the harvest and prepare the farm for the winter.  I hope to catch up on describing some of the fascinating activities that happen here.  For example: haying, grain harvest, cover-croping, making beer from scratch, and much more.  Until then…may your harvest be bountiful.

shit puddle sunset-sm

3 Comments leave one →
  1. September 11, 2009 5:12 pm

    Ah! Such a tease! I was sad to miss you during our visit, but at least I can envision what you talk about. Hope to connect soon.

  2. September 14, 2009 9:05 am

    You lost your camera???? That sucks! But Seth took some good pictures too, (the last one is awesome).

    What a surprise to read news from this blog, I had almost forgotten it.

    Answering your question, I don’t know where the time goes, but I know where we keep the time that has flown beside us: first in our head, then in our heart. And there is where we value it. (Well, at least, SOME of us value it).

    I’ll be there in a month and we’ll talk about time, food and music. Still can’t believe it!!!!


  3. December 6, 2009 10:46 am

    Hey Nate and Kate!!

    How is the farming going?? I’d love to read an update soon!!

    much love

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